Wanted is based on a comic book miniseries created by Mark Millar. This action movie is directed by a Russian director, Timur Bekmambetov. Starring Angelina Jolie, Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, and Terence Stamp.
The storyline follows Wesley Gibson (James McAvoy), a cube-dwelling, frustrated office worker with a dull and depressing life. Until he crossed path with a hot female assassin named Fox (Angelina Jolie) and introduces him to The Fraternity, a secret guild of the best assassins being led by the enigmatic Sloan (Morgan Freeman).
As a new member of The Fraternity, he must undergo a series of physical tests and discover his special skills - which is similar to his father. Thru this, he could take revenge on his father's death who's once a member of the secret guild. It's his destiny to be part of The Fraternity but there some secrets that he must uncover about the guild in order to find out his own destiny.
Year Released: 2008
James McAvoy
Morgan Freeman
Angelina Jolie
Terence Stamp
Timur Bekmambetov
Reviews & Ratings:
"Wanted is a fast-paced, crackling thrill ride tailor-made for the Summer audience."
~ RottenTomatoes on Wanted
6.7/10 - Ratings from IMDB
6.6/10 (71%) Tomatometer - Ratings from Rotten Tomatoes
Movie Trivia:
- James McAvoy undergo trainings to improve his physique for preparation for his role as Wes.
- James McAvoy suffered an injured knee and a twisted ankle during shooting.
- According to Angelina Jolie, she based her role in Wanted on Clint Eastwood.